Tuesday, June 14, 2011

‎"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along . . . . You must do the thing you think you cannot do."
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Happy Tuesday Fellow Bloggers!

It has been several months since my last post and I will make no excuses, however, promise to do better in the future! So much has gone on the past several months that it is hard for me to focus now on a few “Heart” events to write about. Three things, however, are in the forefront of my mind and let me add that’s a big deal for me as most things leave my mind quickly these days…LOL!

First I want to thank everyone who was involved with the May 14th’s “Detroit Heart Walk”! Nearly 20,000 peopled joined together in Downtown Detroit, raising over $ 1,394,688 for research and education and exceeding the Detroit AHA’s $1,200,000 goal for this year! The “Walk” was a huge success with the hard work and dedication of the AHA employees and thousands of volunteers and organizations! Thank you personally from the bottom of my heart to all of you and to my own special “TEAM Janine” It was so exciting to see this happen in our great city!!! Also, it is never to late to give! If you would like to donate and or watch the progress still occurring please visit:

Secondly I would like to touch on the Local AHA’s involvement in this year’s Novi International Women’s Expo that was held on April 28th through May 1st. This event is attended by thousands of women yearly, with hundreds of vendors all over the US. The Southfield AHA had a beautiful booth, educating and bringing awareness to many women about heart healthy lifestyles while also raising funds for much needed research and education! Our AHA Fashion show hosted by Macy’s was a great success and the gals from Body Language Fitness and Yoga, did a wonderful class/exhibition of Zumba on stage! (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Body-Language-Fitness-Yoga-Center/56820143408. Thank you Alicia and all of the ladies involved, for organizing everything at the Expo for the AHA… you did a wonderful job!
For local Metro Detroit, Ann Arbor, and Flint area AHA info please visit: http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/Affiliate/Southfield/Michigan/Home_UCM_MWA007_AffiliatePage.jsp

Thirdly I would like to touch on something near and dear to my heart… the American Heart Associations Go Red for Women’s Heart Match Program! This Program is free to anyone and takes only a few minutes to use. By filling out a short profile on oneself, it automatically links together women who have similar “Heart” history and experiences. This is a wonderful way to network and share our experiences and support each other! I know it works because I have experienced it myself. A few ladies who have similar family histories of Heart Disease that found them selves needing support and just plain camaraderie have already contacted me! Please visit; http://www.goredforwomen.org/HeartMatch/default.aspx
For more information on this wonderful program through” Go Red for Women” !

I opened this blog with a quote by Eleanor Roosevelt because I find it to be so true. Thank you Rick for sharing it today! I can relate to this quote and know how important it is to hit difficulties straight on and learn from them…it is vital to positive growth. I would like to add another dimension to this thought and one that I think is vital to our success in battling Heart disease. We all must fight this good fight and forge forward but not alone. We often need each other for support in getting over the bumps! Don’t be afraid to ask for support when needed. Whether we ask for support from our Doctors, family members, friend or acquaintance we’ve met through ‘Heart Match”…sharing is necessary to move forward. If we tap into this and share as often as we need I think we will be much healthier and happier individuals. Don’t be afraid to seek this out . If you’re not getting what you need from your Doctor, family member or friend… find another. Seek and you will find!

Also, we should not only share when we’re down and out, (however, absolutely then) …but share the good things too. Share your heart triumphs and let others around you learn from them…this is very important ladies. Just yesterday I had a visit to my Cardiologist and of course thought all things were great and they’re pretty much. However, she pointed out to me that I could even do better on my heart numbers! Particularly my LDL , which was 83. She informed me that I should shoot for under 70 :/ I have been a little lackadaisical lately and I needed that little kick to firm up my resolve! When I got home I had an e-mail waiting for me, from one of my “Heart Matches” and immediately started writing a new blog entry. She motivated me to write. Now this blog entry won’t bring my LDL down below 70, however it certainly will help my psyche to move forward and work at lowering it. I felt good after writing my thoughts down. Doing this helps me to strengthen my resolve while also sharing with all of you! This is a win/win…you share, I share and hopefully we help motivate each other to move forward! Got to love it and we so often need it!

Also remember that every month is not going to be like February Heart Month, up beat and full of support. We don’t have special events everyday in our lives when we’re with others that understand what living with Heart Disease is like. I have certainly enjoyed all of those special days when the community and friends come together to support the cause. However, the many quiet days in between those are ones where we have to seek and find support when needed. The Heart Match program is a place you can turn to…

In closing I would like to again thank all the lovely people involved with our “Detroit Heart Walk’ and the “Novi Women’s expo…you all know who you are! Also thank you to my “Heart Match” ladies…you inspire me to stay focused and give me a much needed lift also!

Sincerely and from the heart,
